🤔 Q&A Research and Discovery Part 1: Respondents
Moa Bogren Moa Bogren

🤔 Q&A Research and Discovery Part 1: Respondents

Some time ago, me (Moa) and Jens Wedin had a product discovery talk with a company and thereafter, we opened up for questions. And of course, the questions were brilliant and relevant, but the answers might be a bit less brilliant. But I thought I would share the questions and the answers. And these are questions I do get frequently.

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👀 Eye Tracking Revisit
Moa Bogren Moa Bogren

👀 Eye Tracking Revisit

I often say, or what could be interpret as urge to the teams I have been coaching as well as to students i’ve had through the years that “it is not a failure to not hit bulls eye in your research every time, but to not reflect and learn upon the method and way you executed the study is a failure”. And revisiting old studies is crucial to actually learn from old “mistakes”. But apparently I’m a hypocrite and I do not live as I learn.

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