Studio Manfred creates impact through strategy, customer research and new business. Our mission is to make the business world more human and empathic.

Our services

Roles as strategist, researcher, leader

We take a human and customer approach to strategy. Both in creating the strategy and implementing it in your organisation. Read more about strategy


Roles as CX/UX researcher, insights lead

We support you in going from customer needs to actionable insights. Nobody wants to build something nobody wants, right? Read more about customer insights

Customer Insights

Roles as Business and service designer

New business and innovation

We are here to help you go from customer insights to creating new services and products. We support you in creating customer journeys to improve your touch-points and creating new experiences. Read more about new business and innovation

Roles as trainer and coach

We have both public and inhouse training in our area of expertise. We train in customer-experience, customer journey mapping, CX Management, Business Design, DesignOps, Product Discovery and Service Design. Read more about our training and courses

Training and courses

This isn’t working

Today, we live in a complex, ambiguous, and fast-moving world where we often prioritize numbers over people. Our organizations and individuals are busy busy busy, and we often lose sight of what is truly important — the customer, our employees and our long-term business health.

We need something new

What if we could create meaningful companies that start with the humans, the customers and the employees — and then work backwards to create a viable business.

Why customer-centricity?

Lots of research has been conducted to show the value of customer-centricity.

Grow revenue 1.4 times faster

Outperform the S&P 500 by 211%

33% reduced development time

It’s really all about you

We are here to support you on creating impact. We love to collaborate, train, guide, coach and challenge you — to help you achieve your goals and become more customer-centric. We do this by transformation, building capability, business innovation, training and coaching.

Brands that trust us

Brands that trust us

Give a woman a fish, and you feed her family for a day, teach her to fish, and you feed her community for a lifetime.

— Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie